Lavender is an aromatic, herbal shrub, violet, mauve or bluish in color, a flowering plant in the 30 species of mint family that’s easily identified by its sweet floral scent.
It has a soothing scent, and is admired by all for its heavenly qualities, since ages.
In India, Lavender goes back to the mythological period, where its deep, mystical smell is associated with the divine deity of Shiva & Vishnu, connecting it with the Indian roots.
The Lavender oil is known as one of the best natural perfumes, used to create a subtle, scented aura in homes, verandahs or corporate spaces. It also has a variety of medicinal properties that complements our daily lifestyle.
Connect with the Indian touch of elements, so deep, that you feel a part of nature with us.
2 to 3 drops in diffuser of your own choice For massage use 20/25 drops in a 50ml carrier oil. At time of bath add 2 to 3 drops into bathtub
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with the eyes, if contact occurs by mistake, rinse with cool water immidiately. The product is curated or external use only.